Key Action
PSave image
SToggle selection
DToggle transformation
TTranslate mode
RRotate mode
Right arrowNext configuration
Left arrowPrevious configuration
Ctrl/⌘-SSave topology and configuration
Ctrl/⌘-ZUndo edit
Ctrl/⌘-Shift-Z (or Ctrl/⌘-Y)Redo edit
Ctrl/⌘-ASelect all elements
Ctrl/⌘-IInvert selection
Ctrl/⌘-clickSelect multiple elements
Shift-clickSelect intermediate by gid
Shift-alt-clickSelect intermediate by shortest path
Ctrl/⌘-CCopy selection
Ctrl/⌘-BPaste selection
Ctrl/⌘-Shift-VPaste selection in-place
DeleteDelete selected elements
Numpad0Reset camera
Numpad1Move camera to x-axis (Ctrl/⌘ to invert)
Numpad2Rotate camera down
Numpad3Move camera to y-axis (Ctrl/⌘ to invert)
Numpad4Rotate camera left
Numpad5Toggle orthographic/perspective
Numpad6Rotate camera right
Numpad7Move camera to z-axis (Ctrl/⌘ to invert)
Numpad8Rotate camera up

The viewer supports live relaxation using ox-serve nodes.

List of available servers:

Pick a background color: Or upload a background image:

TacoxDNA importer

Powered by tacoxDNA, you can now import common design formats.

To load oxView, oxDNA or PDB files, simply click on "Open" instead.

Save the current stucture to oxDNA configuration and/or topology files

3D Export Options
Backbone mesh
Nucleoside mesh
Connector mesh
Backbone connector mesh

Export flat hierarchy